J-type shells, in shell-and-tube heat exchangers:
KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZcalculation of heat transfer and pressure drop in,3.3.11-1description of,3.3.4-3temperature difference correction (F) and ?-NTU charts for,1.5.2-13/1.5.2-14
Jacket-type heaters,4.4.4-3/4.4.4-4Jackets, PD5500 guidelines for,4.3.2-9Jackson, J D2.5.10-1/2.5.10-49Jacob number,2.7.1-8Jacobs, H R2.10.1-1/2.10.3-16, 3.19.1-1/3.19.5-23.20.1-1Jacobs and Cook equation, for drop growth,Jacobs and Major model, for condensation of bubbles forming immiscible liquids,3.20.4-2Japan, guide to national practice for heat exchanger mechanical design:Jayatillaka relation, between heat and momentum transfer,1.2.3-6Jens and Lottes correlation for subcooled forced convective boiling of water,2.7.3-8Jet condenser,3.20.2-3/3.20.2-8Jet impingement dryer,3.13.2-4Jets:Joback methodsJones, A E,3.17.7-2/3.17.7-3Joule (SI unit), xxvii